Contributing Role
Product Designer (UX & UI)
Dec 2016 - Present
Other Contributors
Jenni Won
A new way of shopping for home
We know that home is shopped visually and there is a gap in the furniture e-commerce space. How can we make an experience that feels inspirational that gets user to product? This is where Wayfair's Shop the Look comes into play.
Analyzing the Old Desktop Experience
The first thing we did before we jumped right into the design of the mobile experience was to analyze the old desktop experience. The old experience was built on top of a pre-existing design which lead to an non linear experience with repeat information across various page types. We identified the 3 pages the were vital to the core experience of STL to build a MVP.

Old Desktop Flow
Confusing and convoluted experience with multiple pathways to various pages types with repeated information.

Not all is lost!
We identified 3 page types that were vital to the core experience that could be revamped/repurposed.
MVP mWeb Experience
The mobile web experience was created as the first step into redesigning the overall Shop the Look experience.

Before · Landing Page
This Shop the Look landing page was designed in during the Spring of 2016. One of the glaring issues the old experience had was the use of a double navigation bar and lack of visual hierarchy. The page seemed to be of a separate sub site injected into the page. There was a lot of visual noise and far too many CTAs.

After · Landing Page
This is my redesigned landing page redesigned in the winter of 2017. We took what was the most successful from the previous page: the photo masonry grid. As they say, content is king, so we wanted to highlight the photos by bringing it up above the fold. We also took away unnecessary navigation links and put much more focus on filtering the photos. We also only revealed CTAs and tagged items upon hover.

Before · Room Details Page
lorem ipsum

After · Room Details Page
Lorem ipsum

Before · Room Details Page
lorem ipsum

After · Room Details Page
Lorem ipsum
Results & KPIs
- 2M+ sessions/month
- 61 photos viewed on average
- 10% ATC rate from photo